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    AgriTechnology Workshop & Buyer-seller meet

    21 February 2023 and 22 February 2023

    AgriTechnology Workshop

    The Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, in partnership with the Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board (MSAMB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), recently organized a two-day event that aimed to provide benefits to the state′s Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). The event, which was held on the 21st and 22nd of February 2023, consisted of two components: an agri-technology workshop and a buyer-seller meet.

    The event was organized as part of the MAGNET project, which is a joint venture between the MSAMB and ADB. The project aims to empower FPOs in Maharashtra by granting them access to the latest agricultural technological advancements. The project team had planned a series of cutting-edge workshops and buyer-seller meets to achieve this objective.

    The agri-technology workshop was designed to provide FPOs with access to the latest technological advancements in the agricultural sector. The workshop aimed to educate participants on various technologies and techniques related to farming, irrigation, soil testing, crop management, and post-harvest handling. The workshop was conducted by experts from various fields, including academia, industry, and government.

    Buyer-seller meet

    The buyer-seller meet, on the other hand, aimed to provide FPOs with a platform to interact with potential buyers of their agricultural produce. The meet allowed FPOs to showcase their products and discuss business opportunities with buyers. The meet also facilitated the signing of contracts and agreements between FPOs and buyers.

    The MAGNET project aims to create a sustainable and profitable agricultural ecosystem in Maharashtra by empowering FPOs. By providing them with access to the latest technological advancements and business opportunities, the project aims to improve the productivity and profitability of FPOs. This, in turn, is expected to create a positive impact on the lives of farmers and their families, as well as on the overall agricultural economy of the state.