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    Workshop on Orange and Sweet Orange

    06 December 2022

    Workshop on Orange, Sweet Orange

    The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Nagpur, organized a strategy workshop on orange cultivation on December 6th, 2022. The workshop aimed to equip 141 farmers, including 49 male and 92 female participants, with knowledge and skills to improve their productivity, crop management, and technology adoption.

    The event was attended by distinguished guests and experts in agriculture, including Mr. Anoop Kumar, IAS, ACS, Cooperation and Marketing, Dr. Bhimraya Metri, Director, IIM Nagpur, and Mr. Deepak Shinde, Project Director, MAGNET. The experts included Mr. Tanveer Mirza, Mentor, IIM Nagpur, Dr. Shyam Gharpure, Retired Agriculture Officer, Dr. Gopal Bhakte, Agri Consultant, and Mr. Vilas Shinde, Director, Sahyadri Farms.

    The workshop focused on several areas of orange cultivation. Firstly, the impact of climate change on crop management was discussed, and experts shared insights on how to adapt to changing climatic conditions. Secondly, integrated pest management and post-harvest management were discussed, and the experts provided information on effective pest management techniques and highlighted the importance of post-harvest management in enhancing crop quality and shelf life. Thirdly, the workshop focused on high-tech water management, and the experts shared insights on modern irrigation systems that can help farmers reduce water consumption and increase crop yield. Lastly, the demand for orange and quality expectations were discussed, and the experts highlighted the importance of meeting the demands of the market and maintaining the quality of the product.

    The workshop was evaluated using a feedback form that was filled out by the farmers at the end of the training session. The evaluation revealed that the workshop was highly informative and relevant to the farmers needs. The farmers expressed satisfaction with the quality of the training materials and the effectiveness of the training methods used.

    Overall, the strategy workshop on orange cultivation was a success, and the farmers gained valuable knowledge and skills to improve their productivity, enhance crop management, and adopt new technologies to maximize yield. The program provided farmers with insights into the latest techniques and practices related to orange cultivation, and the evaluation indicated that the program was highly relevant and effective. The workshop is expected to have a positive impact on the farmers productivity, income, and livelihoods, and will contribute to the growth of the orange cultivation industry.